Depression hurts. Cymbalta can help
You might feel sad or maybe you’ve lost interest in things you
once enjoyed. You could have aches and pains or always feel tired.
Or maybe you’re sleeping too much. Or not at all. Many people
wouldn’t think these could all be symptoms of depression. But they
can be. Cymbalta is a prescription medication that treats many
symptoms of depression.
There are many paths to lake in the treatment of depression,
including talk therapy, diet, and exercise. You and your doctor or
healthcare provider can decide on the right path. Remember, only
your doctor can determine if Cymbalta or other treatments are right
for you. You deserve every chance to feel the way you want to feel.
Learn more by calling 877-CYMBALTA or visiting, where you can also find the personal stories
of people who have been treated with Cymbalta. Results may vary.
Antidepressants can increase suicidal thoughts and
behaviors in children, teens, and young adults. Call your
doctor right away if you have new or worsening depression
symptoms, unusual changes in behavior or thoughts of
suicide. Be especially observant within the first few months
of treatment or after a change in dose. Approved only for
adults 18 and over.
Cymbalta is not for everyone. Do not take Cymbalta if you have
recently taken a type of antidepressant called an MAOI or Mellaril®
(thioridazine) or have uncontrolled glaucoma. Talk to your doctor
before stopping Cymbalta or changing your dose; about all your
medicines, including those for migraine, to avoid a potentially life-
threatening condition; about use of NSAID pain relievers, aspirin,
or blood thinners with Cymbalta, which may increase bleeding
risk. Tell your doctor about your alcohol consumption and about
all your medical conditions, including liver or kidney problems,
glaucoma or diabetes. Dizziness or fainting may occur upon
standing. The most common side effects include nausea, dry
mouth and constipation. This is not a complete list of side effects.
Please see back page for additional important safety information.
You are encouraged to report negative side effects o f prescription drugs to
the FDA. Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
If you need assistance with prescription costs, help may
be available. Visit or call 1-888-4 PPA-N0W.
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because depression hurts
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